Self-Sufficient Utility Systems

Self-sufficient micro-settlement for an energy-conscious lifestyle

© Rico Ulbricht

Supplying tiny houses with electricity, heat and water is challenging, especially in remote areas. Their compact shape reduces options for installing solar equipment and storage units for regenerative utilities supply. Within the scope of the AMSEL and Telewerk projects, a small settlement in Mittweida consisting of a tiny house, a co-working space and an existing building is operated as an independent experimental platform.


© Fraunhofer IVI

Self-sufficient living on water

Settlements close to the shore and especially the so-called »floating architecture« offers both freedom for creative design and favorable conditions for at least the semi-autonomous supply with energy and water. The project dealt with functional components for buildings and larger settlements with a largely autonomous supply of electricity, heat and water. Existing technologies are modified and improved so that they can be integrated into the wall structure of buildings. This way, the living space is not encroached upon too much and synergies in terms of building physics are created.