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Dual Study Program at Fraunhofer IVI



Susann Störmer
Phone +49 351 4640-683

Please send your electronic application with all relevant documents and reference number to

Susann Störmer

Working at Fraunhofer IVI

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the world’s leading applied research organization and currently operates 76 institutes and research units throughout Germany. Around 30,800 employees, predominantly scientists and engineers, work with an annual research budget of roughly €3.0 billion, €2.6 billion of which is designated as contract research.

At its three locations Dresden, Ingolstadt and Berlin, researchers of the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI develop technologies and concepts in the fields of mobility, energy and security from forward-looking research to practical application. The institute cooperates closely with TU Dresden, TU Bergakademie Freiberg and TH Ingolstadt.

We at Fraunhofer IVI are hiring enthusiastic research fellows and computer specialists for a wide range of research projects in the fields of

  • vehicle and propulsion technologies,
  • Intelligent Transport Systems and
  • civil security, 

but also for the

  • development of software technologies and
  • web-based interfaces as well as the
  • design of efficient big data applications.

You will be part of highly-motivated R&D teams, working in an open-minded atmosphere. In addition to our modern facilities and equipment as well as individual freedom for creativity, we offer flexible working hours including 30 vacation days, variable remuneration components depending on performance and success, our own day care for children, a parent-child office and a scientific library.

The compatibility of work and private life is of central importance to the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. In addition, we offer challenging qualification programs, sports and health services, as well as company pension plans (VBL) and job tickets for public transportation.

Appointment, remuneration and social security benefits based on the public-sector collective wage agreement (TVöD). Additionally Fraunhofer may grant performance-based variable remuneration components. The weekly working time is 39 hours. Part-time options are available for many of our open positions. We value and promote the diversity of our employees' skills and therefore welcome all applications - regardless of age, gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion, ideology, disability, sexual orientation and identity. Severely disabled persons are given preference in the event of equal suitability. 

Further Informationen

Excellent reconciliation of work and family life

The Fraunhofer FamilienLogo is an award presented by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft for outstanding conditions that support the reconciliation of career and family life at the institute.