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Latest press releases



Professor Mostaghim named new institute director at Fraunhofer IVI

On June 1, Professor Sanaz Mostaghim took over as the new institute director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI. In this role, she is working together with Professor Matthias Klingner, the institute’s longstanding director, who will stay on as executive director until the end of the year.



NEXTBAT project forges ahead highlighting the transformative impact of battery design on electrification in the EU

The project, which kicked off in June 2023, is now in the phase of finalizing the technology choices for developing two prototypes.

"We aim to demonstrate that battery system designs can speed up electrification".

NEXTBAT, the vanguard battery technologies European project, is making substantial progress towards its mission of speeding up a safe and sustainable electrification of transport and mobile applications in the EU. Coordinated by VTT, one of Europe’s leading research institutions, the project has successfully rolled out its initiatives since it was launched in June 2023 and has initiated steps toward prototyping next-generation battery technologies. This momentum underscores NEXTBAT's commitment to driving innovation and propelling advancements in sustainable electrification.



The Digital World from a Bird’s Eye View

Urban Air Mobility is a forward-looking approach in the development of sustainable concepts for individual and freight transportation in highly congested metropolitan areas. Whether it's logistics drones, air taxis, or rescue and surveillance systems – regardless of the application, the requirements for flight safety are particularly high. The research project ADAM (“Advanced Air Space Mapping”) aims to improve lower airspace situational awareness using new mapping methods, thereby increasing safety for autonomous flying in the city. 



Fraunhofer at IAA MOBILITY 2023: Autonomous cargo drone with sustainable structures and intelligent battery systems

Urban Air Mobility (UAM) does more than just open up new potential in terms of transporting goods: if some urban traffic goes airborne, this will also offer completely new approaches when it comes to sustainable mobility solutions. In the Fraunhofer ALBACOPTER® lighthouse project, six Fraunhofer institutes are addressing the technical and social issues associated with UAM. Led by the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI, researchers have developed an aircraft that glides in a particularly efficient way – inspired by the gliding flight of the albatross. 



Establishing design as an integral component in research and development

In its various disciplines and manifestations, design is increasingly gaining importance in Fraunhofer's research. Supporting this trend, the three Fraunhofer Institutes IVI, IWS and IWU in Dresden, together with Technische Universität Dresden, have launched the "DesignLab for Applied Research".

Press releases archive

September 26, 2017 Safe and Effective Energy Storage Media of the Future: Lithium-Sulphur Technology
June 29, 2017 German Mobility Award 2017: The Fraunhofer IVI is among the winnerswith a new method for road safety education  
June 2017

On June 14, more than 50 experts from innovative logistics companies, electric vehicle manufacturers and related research institutions met during the industry-specific user’s day to discuss current challenges in electric freight traffic. The event was held in the city of Essen, for the first time in cooperation with the Haus der Technik e. V. In addition to this year’s main topics of financing and procurement, the participants debated vividly on new technological developments: »Introduction barriers – such as the battery prices, which are still too high – can be implemented in an economically feasible way by using suitable technical measures like ageing diagnosis«, Claudius Jehle says. He is manager of the Fraunhofer IVI’s group on Storage Systems and Converters. With its remote remote battery monitoring system, the institute is well equipped for the future requirements of electric logistics.   

Press release (in German)

September 26, 2016

High-Tech Solutions from Dresden Facilitate the Switch to Electric Vehicles

The results of the »Elektromobilität in Dresden (EmiD)« project were presented at the Dresden city hall. Among others, an app-based booking system for company cars and a solution for inductive recharging were developed within the project.

Press release (in German)

September 19, 2016

Efficient Bodies for Railway Vehicles

At the InnoTrans 2016 trade fair, the Fraunhofer IVI and the Fraunhofer IWS present technological solutions for the simulation of passenger flows and manufacturing methods based on high-efficiency laser welding.

Press release (in German)

September 15, 2016  

Saxony Presents Itself to the Expert Community as a Center for the Development of Intelligent Transport Systems

In the field of interconnected, automated mobility, Saxony takes a leading role. The common strategy of industry, science and communities bears the title »Synchronized Mobility 2023«. At an expert conference, the participating institutions presented their expertise in the field.

Press release (in German)

May 23, 2016

Fraunhofer IVI to Test New Articulated Hybrid Bus on Line 61

The Fraunhofer IVI and the DVB AG are testing a highly modern plug-in hybrid in regular service. The test vehicle is able to drive fully electrically for a distance of 15 km. After that, the diesel engine takes over.

Press release (in German)

May 2, 2016

E-Bus Line 89 Launched in Leipzig

Within the »eBus Batterfly« project, the Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (public transport provider in Leipzig) will be testing two fully electric buses with different-sized batteries in regular service for one year. The buses have been developed and provided by the Fraunhofer IVI.

Press release (in German)

April 6, 2016

»Electric Freight Traffic« User’s Day on May 31 in Dresden

The »Electric Freight Traffic« User’s Day organized by the Fraunhofer IVI provides logistics service companies and shipping agents with independent and objective information on the opportunities and risks of electric freight traffic.

Press release (in German)

September 17, 2015

Key components for microelectromobility in private inner city transportation – the Velocité project

Within Velocité, an interdisciplinary cooperation between research and industry, an innovative pedelec was developed combining lightweight carbon fiber materials, a novel propulsion system and an efficient battery management system. The finished demonstrator vehicle weighs only 13 kg and is hoped to create far-reaching synergies.

Press Release (in German)
September 15, 2015 Silent Helpers for Communities
July 21, 2015

Success full ahead: OMNIBUSREVUE readers give award to EDDA-Bus

The electric bus with fast charging capacity has successfully completed its test run and has received positive feedback throughout. On July 20, 2015, the bus received its first official award.

Press release (in German)

June 26, 2015 A pan-European framework for strengthening Critical Infrastructure resilience for climate change
May 18, 2015 Kick-Off of three Shift2Rail lighthouse projects: Roll2Rail, IT2Rail and In2Rail
May 12, 2015 Training Augmented Reality Generalised Environment Toolkit
May 1, 2015 A new project about intelligent maintenance and effective infrastructure management
April 15, 2015

Climate change: Europe’s cities demand greater say in international climate protection

Studies show that cities cause up to 80 percent of the world’s man-made CO2 emissions. In the fight against global climate change, cities are faced with the challenge of implementing sustainable climate protection schemes that include modern traffic management, energy saving measures and more efficient utilities systems. How cities deal with this tasks is one of the topics of the annual Klima-Bündnis conference held from April 22 to 25, 2015 in Dresden.

Press release (in German)

March 16, 2015

Social media monitoring in disaster management

Gaining an overview of all topics contained in the general population’s communication in times of crisis is the aim of project »internet Social Analyzer in Natural Disasters« (iSAND). A Fraunhofer IVI research team and their partners will test and demonstrate a system that expands the basis for decision making by information from social networks. The official kick-off for the BMUB-funded project was held in Dresden.

Press release (in German)

October 30, 2014

Fraunhofer battery bus in test operation

Since Monday, November 3, 2014, the Fraunhofer IVI’s battery bus has been operating with passengers on Dresden’s bus route 61. The Fraunhofer scientists are in charge of the technical support while the local transport company DVB is the responsible demonstration partner.

Press release (in German)

October 7, 2014

E-carsharing growing up

Giving up your own car to share one with other people? Carsharing is “in vogue” today, but in order to operate electric vehicle fleets, charging times must be reduced and booking processes must be simplified. The customer must be able to quickly find suitable EVs. In addition, an area-covering charging infrastructure must be available. Six Fraunhofer Institutes demonstrated technologies for efficient e-carsharing during the trade fair eCarTec in Munich.

Press release (in German)

October 1, 2014

Self-sustaining floating architecture: electricity, heating and water

Near-shore housing does not only offer an extraordinary residential environment, but also favorable conditions for innovative solutions in energy and water supply. Together with 14 partners, the integration of the necessary components will be tested and demonstrated in a floating house within the large-scale project autartec®, which has officially started in October 2014.

Press release (in German)

September 29, 2014

Training for the emergency case

Polish and German emergency services were fighting a fictive flood at the river Neiße in Görlitz, Germany on 4th of October 2014. The exercise featured components from the European project IDIRA, securing the smooth communication between relief forces from different countries.

Press release (in German)

September 11, 2014

Fast charging in public transport – electric driving without catenaries

It has been touring the streets of Dresden for a while now and passers-by are curiously watching the new bus which looks different from the DVB’s other buses. A field test with passengers will soon be carried out to evaluate this fast-charging bus in practice. TÜV, Germany’s association for technical inspection, will have the final say on the technical certification.

Press release (in German)

July 4, 2014

Electromobility in Dresden

There are many reasons to replace a gasoline-powered car by an electric vehicle. However, only a few EVs can be spotted in cities today. The objective of the project »Electromobility in Dresden« (EmiD) is to research into the underlying causes and to leverage the wide use of EVs in company fleets by means of intelligent disposition systems and inductive charging systems.

Press release (in German)

June 26, 2014

Concept »fire department 2020«

The Saxon State Minister of the Interior, Markus Ulbig, and representatives of the working group »Volunteer fire departments of Saxony 2020” presented the final report in June 2014. The Fraunhofer IVI provided scientific support for the working group.

Press release (in German)

June 23, 2014

Day of Architecture at the Fraunhofer IVI

The Fraunhofer IVI again invited the public on the Day of Architecture on 28th of June 2014. Visitors came to see the renovated library which was designed by Michaela Hoppe architect’s office. This project was listed as a best practice project of the German architectural associations.

Press release (in German)

June 17, 2014

Cool software for intelligent traffic management

The internet is huge – the daily data traffic in the wired and public areas add up to one exabyte, which equals one billion gigabytes or more that the 2.500-fold amount of all books ever written. It is a Herculean task to keep the overview among these data and to filter relevant information.

Press release (in German)

November 25, 2013

Electric buses in public transport – German and international examples

On Monday, November 25, 2014, the Saxon Energy Agency SAENA held the 2nd »conference on future-oriented public transport – innovation electric bus« in Dresden's ICC. About 250 experts from transport operators, industry, science and politics discussed the current developments in public transport.

Press release (in German)

November 15, 2013

Grant notifications received for project »eBus Skorpion«

The Saxon State Minister of Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport, Mr. Sven Morlok, handed over the notifications about a grant of 2.9 million euros for the pilot project eBus Skorpion. Skorpion stands for Strom (electricity), Kraft (power), Oberleitung (catenaries), Rekuperation (recuperation), plug-in, innovation, Oekologisch (ecological) and Nachhaltig (sustainable).

Press release (in German)

October 17, 2013

Fraunhofer IVI to become indepent from January 1, 2014

The Fraunhofer IVI in Dresden will become an independent Fraunhofer Institute from January 1st, 2014. This decision was made by the Senate of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft during its session on 16th October 2013 in Berlin. To date, the Fraunhofer IVI has been a division of the Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation IOSB in Karlsruhe.

Press release (in German)

October 8, 2013 Fraunhofer IVI to establish cooperation with TU Bergakademie Freiberg (in German)
September 26, 2013 What does the urban (e-)mobility of the future look like? (in German)
September 24, 2013 NADINE research project: passengers can help developing a public transport navigation system (in German)
July 2013 Display of wrong-way driver alerts on navigation systems (in German)
June 18, 2013 Colorful diversity on gray asphalt (in German)
June 25, 2013 Large depot for the AutoTram® Extra Grand (in German)
June 21, 2013 Israeli multipliers to meet intelligent German solutions for public transport (in German)
June 14, 2013 Kick-off for the 11. Dresden Researchers Night – First Mayor to present program (in German)
May 22, 2013 Electric buses for the Leipziger Neuseenland (in German)
May 5, 2013 Kick-off of the Schaufenster Bayern-Sachsen ELEKTROMOBILITÄT VERBINDETtraveling exhibition (in German)
April 15, 2013 AutoTram® Extra Grand - Magnet for visitors at the Hannover Messe 2013 (in German)