The following basic functions were integrated into a web-based platform:
- Real-time identification and forecast of the transport network utilization rate, dynamic routing of motorized private transport (interface to sub-project 5),
- Informationen about public transport services in the forms of schedule information and real-time information based on current problems (delays, constraints due to road construction or damages),
- Integration of city and tourism information, i. e. navigation through the »city and region« living environment,
- Informationen about alternative services offered by virtual mobility systems such as teleshopping, teleteaching etc. (interface to sub-project 3).
The required data are downloaded in regular cycles using different media to a databank server by the respective information providers. There, the data is pre-processed, converted and compiled so that they can be provided to the users, for example, via the Internet in the shape of HTML documents.
In addition to the integration of the available information, modern interfaces were developed for diverse modes of communication, such as Internet access via WWW services, automated natural language information systems, public self-service terminals, short message and WAP services, as well as Personal Intelligent Communicator and PTA. The practical implementation of the project results was crealized by installing public terminals onthe premises of the transport providers, as well as by distribution via public media and the Internet.