Digitalization has a lasting impact on people’s lives and opens up new opportunities for rural areas. In order to utilize the potentials of digitalization in the best possible way, it is necessary to proceed systematically and to take into consideration the respective local conditions. At the same time, it is required to begin implementation as early as possible.
In this context, the »Digital Villages Saxony« project investigates the potentials of digitalization for everyday life in rural areas. Together with the local population, administration and researchers from the Fraunhofer institutes IESE and IVI, digital services are being developed and tested in the Lommatzscher Pflege model region in Saxony. To assess the actual needs of the population and develop targeted solutions, citizen workshops are carried out in the municipalities of the LEADER region.
The »Digital Villages Saxony« project is part of the simul+ InnovationHub. In this initiative, research institutions, companies and administration are jointly realizing innovative projects.