Data Systems and Travel Assistance

Data and Service Platforms for Mobility Applications

Mobility increasingly calls for intelligent planning, coordination and management in order to shorten travel and shipping times, make better use of shared resources and protect the environment. Intelligent systems need a large amount of data so that they can provide road users and decision-makers with the necessary information, support them in making decisions or even make decisions automatically. At the place of decision, data from different sources must be physically or virtually merged. The interaction of road users and transport providers as well as system operators requires a trustworthy exchange of data in order to realize attractive mobility offers.

Fraunhofer IVI supports the relevant actors along the data process chain from production and collection, secure transmission and storage to their sovereign processing on mobility data platforms, marketplaces and in data-based ecosystems. 


Mobility Data Space

With the Mobility Data Space, an open data space is being created. In addition to the secure exchange, it enables the development of real-time traffic data and sensitive mobility data, and connects existing data platforms. In this way, comprehensive mobility data can be made available at national level in the future.


The DatenTanken (DataRecharging) project develops and defines digital business processes concerning the economically viable operation of mobility and energy services and transfers the results to digital business models. This way, the grid-compatible construction of both the public charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Dresden as well as the partly public infrastructure for logistics providers and residential building companies is promoted.


Scenario-Based Platform for the Inspection of Automated Driving Functions

The SePIA project will develop a complex validation platform for highly automated driving, electronic subsystems and the overall vehicle, integrating real scenarios with extensive accident data, information from accident reconstruction reports as well as vehicle data and video recordings.


Based on AI-supported analyses of the short-term and long-term charging requirements (e. g. during trade fairs or holidays), the d-E-mand project will develop a service platform for business customers and drivers of electric cars. The platform will be able to predict the demand for charging current for EV and will be tested in Hanover and Dresden.


The REMAS project is creating a management solution for the realization of automated driving in urban areas. In addition, the project helps the Saxon economy to unlock innovation potential in the areas of automated and connected driving as well as intelligent transport systems.

Cognitive Agriculture

In the Fraunhofer lighthouse project »COGNAC«, the Fraunhofer IVI is collaborating with 7 other Fraunhofer institutes, e. g. in the development of a digital data space for agricultural purposes (Agricultural Data Space).

Assistance Systems

Information and assistance systems for public transport and electric road cycling require domain-specific software tools, data sources and software components. Fraunhofer IVI develops digital assistants for travel support in public transport, particularly in the form of smartphone apps and wearable devices. In addition, the institute is working on networked assistance systems for e-bikes that help avoid critical situations in road traffic.

Fraunhofer IVI offers consulting and support in building and further developing data ecosystems and their governance and business models.


The project will develop test technologies and tools for the efficient investigation of automated and networked assistance and driving functions across manufacturers and vehicle models.

The test technologies are to verify the correct and reliable environment perception by means of dynamic traffic elements.


Cross-Transport Mode Warning and Support System for Cyclists

The objective of RAD IM FOKUS (FOCUS ON BIKES) is the design and prototypical implementation of a warning and support system across all transport modes with a focus on cyclists. Through the integration and connection of different transport modes such as bicycles, passenger cars and public transport, the comprehensive study of safety aspects is possible.


Public Transport Services with Wearable Devices for Different Mobility Types

The Guide2Wear project studies wearable devices such as wie smartwatches and smart glasses and their potential for the mobility services of tomorrow. The project's main focus is on the implementation of a navigation system for public transport.

Technologies for Future Mobility

Global climate targets and people's changing mobility needs are driving the development of technical innovations in transport. Fraunhofer IVI investigates the potential of digitization for different forms of mobility in order to promote the broad availability of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles and to accompany the transformation of bicycles from sports equipment to the preferred means of urban transport. The focus is not only on urban solutions. For example, the combined use of different modes of transport will demonstrate how sustainable mobility in rural areas can be achieved in the future. 


MAtchUP – Urban Transformation for European Cities

Dresden is one of the three lighthouse cities in the MAtchUP Smart City project. New solutions for sustainable urban mobility are being developed here, e. g. by implementing new charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.


EIT Urban Mobility

The EIT Urban Mobility initiative uses cities as living labs to demonstrate system solutions for more efficient mobility. The aim is to transform public spaces and improve the quality of life in cities.