Publication Type
2019 Konkrete Anwendungsfälle von KI & Big-Data in der Industrie. Leitfaden
Abdel-Halim, Sharif; Aroudaki, Hicham; Balzer, Paul; Bláha, J.; Bösche, F.; Brandmüller, O.; Festl, A.; Fockele, L.; Hein, O.; Hülsen, A. van; Jankowski, T.; Kaiser, C.; Kleist, C.; Kourouma, I.; Nilsson, K.; Rauschert, André; Schapranow, M.-P.; Steinacker, A.; Stocker, A.
2019 Fractional-order modelling and parameter identification of electrical coils
Abuaisha, T.; Kertzscher, J.
Journal Article
2019 Cooperative Driving in Mixed Traffic with Heterogeneous Communications and Cloud Infrastructure
Auerswald, Rico; Busse, Roman; Dod, Markus; Fritzsche, Richard; Jungmann, Alexander; Klöppel-Gersdorf, Michael; Krems, Josef F.; Lorenz, Sven; Schmalfuß, Franziska; Springer, Sabine; Strobl, Severin
Conference Paper
2019 Modellierung und Ladezustandsdiagnose von Lithium-Ionen-Zellen
Bartholomäus, Ralf; Wittig, Henning
Conference Paper
2019 Applied Battery Diagnosis
Berendes, Erik; Socher, Sebastian; Potthoff, Ulrich
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 Hybrid Cu particle paste with surface-modified particles for high temperature electronics packaging
Bhogaraju, S.R.; Mokhtari, O.; Pascucci, J.; Hanss, A.; Schmid, M.; Conti, F.; Elger, G.
Conference Paper
2019 IoT-System-Management für Assets urbaner Verkehrsinfrastrukturen
Braunisch, Nico
Diploma Thesis
2019 MobiKat: Großräumige Einsätze vernetzt bewältigen
Brausewetter, Patrick; Hahmann, Stefan
Journal Article
2019 Investigation of Thermomechanical Local Stress Induced in Assembled GaN LEDs
Brugnolotto, E.; Bhogaraju, S.K.; Liu, E.; Conti, F.; Pedron, D.; Signorini, R.; Elger, G.
Conference Paper
2019 Computing Minimal Projection Modules for ELHr-Terminologies
Chen, J.; Ludwig, M.; Ma, Y.; Walther, D.
Conference Paper
2019 Network Load Adaptation for Collective Perception in V2X Communications
Delooz, Quentin; Festag, Andreas
Conference Paper
2019 Optimisation of Preparedness and Response of Health Services in Major Crises Using the IMPRESS Platform
Dobrinkova, Nina; Heckel, Marcel; Olunczek, Andrej; Hedel, Ralf; Finnie, Thomas; Thompson, James; Hall, Ian; Dimopoulos, Christos; Boustras, George; Danidou, Yianna; Efstathiou, Nectarios; Psaroudakis, Chrysostomos; Koutras, Nikolaos; Eftichidis, George; Gkotsis, Ilias; Kostaridis, Antonis; Moutzouris, Marios; Panunzi, Simona; Seynaeve, Geert; Tsekeridou, Sofia; Vergeti, Danae
Conference Paper
2019 Die Fraunhofer IVI Accident Prevention School (FAPS)
Erbsmehl, Christian T.; Pohle, Maria; Strauzenberg, Nora
Conference Paper
2019 3-dimensionales EES-Modell auf Basis von Unfall- und Crashtestdaten
Erbsmehl, Christian T.; Landgraf, Tom
Conference Paper
2019 How to Link Accident Data and Road Traffic Measurements to Enable ADAS/AS Simulation?
Erbsmehl, Christian T.; Lich, Thomas; Mallada, George
Conference Paper
2019 How to Link Accident Data and Road Traffic Measurements to Enable ADAS/AS Simulation?
Erbsmehl, Christian T.; Lich, Thomas; Mallada, George
Journal Article
2019 Intuitive Sensorintegration zur thermischen Berechnung elektrischer Maschinen
Gelke, Guntram; Kertzscher, Jana
Conference Paper
2019 Modeling the Effects of Motorway Traffic Control on Driving Behavior in a Microscopic Traffic Simulation
Grimm, Jan
Conference Paper
2019 Failure Identification in LED packages by Transient Thermal Analysis and Calibrated FE Models
Hanss, A.; Liu, E.; Abdullah, M.R.; Elger, G.
Conference Paper
2019 Mode Switching Strategies in Cellular-V2X
Hegde, Anupama; Festag, Andreas
Journal Article
2019 Evaluation verzeichnungskorrigierter Trajektorien von Verkehrsteilnehmenden aus Infrarot-Videosequenzen
Heußer, Axel
Diploma Thesis
2019 Erstellung eines Mehrkörpersimulationsmodells (MKS) einer gelenkten Nutzfahrzeugachse
Higert, Kevin
Diploma Thesis
2019 Design and preliminary testing of demand-responsive transverse rumble strips
Hossen, Md Shakhawat; Kappes, Christopher; Trabia, Mohamed; Morris, Brendan; Park, Jeewong; Paz, Alexander
Journal Article
2019 Vehicle-Centric Network Association in Heterogeneous Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networks
Hung, Shao-Chou; Zhang, Xin; Festag, Andreas; Chen, Kwang-Cheng; Fettweis, Gerhard
Journal Article
2019 Unbiased Phenotype Detection Using Negative Controls
Janosch, A.; Kaffka, C.; Bickle, M.
Journal Article
2019 Modelling of 3D Temperature Behavior of Prismatic Lithium-Ion Cell with Focus on Experimental Validation Under Battery Electric Vehicle Conditions
Kleiner, Jan; Komsiyska, Lidiya; Elger, Gordon; Endisch, Christian
Conference Paper
2019 Performance Evaluation of GLOSA-Algorithms under Realistic Traffic Conditions Using C2I-Communication
Klöppel, Michael; Grimm, Jan; Strobl, Severin; Auerswald, Rico
Conference Paper
2019 Regelung für die Rückwärtsfahrt von Sattelzügen und Lastzügen
Kolb, Julius Karim
Diploma Thesis
2019 A Simple Yet Efficient Path Tracking Controller for Autonomous Trucks
Kolb, Julius Karim; Nitzsche, Gunter; Wagner, Sebastian
Journal Article
2019 Wirkungsgradoptimierung einer Asynchronmaschine bei der feldorientierten Regelung
Kouhi, Yashar; Kertzscher, Jana
Conference Paper
2019 Die Rolle der Luftschadstoffe für die Gesundheit
Köhler, Dieter; Hetzel, Martin; Klingner, Matthias; Koch, Thomas; Ewig, Santiago; Becher, Gunther; Lindemann, Hermann; Voshaar, Thomas; Costabel, Ulrich
Journal Article
2019 Modelling Thermo-Mechanical Stress in GaN-LEDs Soldered on Copper Substrate with Simulations Validated by Raman Experiments
Liu, E.; Conti, F.; Signorini, R.; Brugnolotto, E.; Bhogaraju, S.K.; Elger, G.
Conference Paper
2019 Simulation von Menschenmengen im urbanen Umfeld mit OpenStreetMap-Daten
Meinert, Axel; Hahmann, Stefan; Brausewetter, Patrick; Kopf, Stephan
Journal Article
2019 Characterization of tin-oxides and tin-formate crystals obtained from SnAgCu solder alloy under formic acid vapor
Mokhtari, O.; Conti, F.; Bhogaraju, S.K.; Meier, M.; Schweigart, H.; Tetzlaff, U.; Elger, G.
Journal Article
2019 helyOS - Highly Efficient Online Yard Operating System
Nitzsche, Gunter; Wagner, Sebastian; Belov, Nikolay
Conference Paper
2019 AEROFLEX - Advanced Energy Management in Distributed Powertrains
Nitzsche, Gunter; Engasser, Julius; Mentink, Paul
Conference Paper
2019 Ein Beitrag zur Identifikation von Bewegungszuständen mittels Inertialsensorik für die Stützung von Navigationsfunktionen im Öffentlichen Personenverkehr
Partzsch, Ina
Doctoral Thesis
2019 Simulation of Test Drives by Using Police-recorded Accident Data and Combining Macroscopic and Microscopic Elements
Pfitzner, Pascal; Erbsmehl, Christian T.
Conference Paper
2019 V2V- and V2X-Communication Data within a Distributed Computing Platform for Adaptive Radio channel Modelling
Pinzel, Florian; Holfeld, Jörg; Olunczek, Andrej; Balzer, Paul; Michler, Oliver
Conference Paper
2019 Automatic Transient Thermal Impedance Tester for Quality Inspection of Soldered and Sintered Power Electronic Devices on Panel and Tile Level
Schmid, M.; Krishna, B.S.; Elger, G.
Conference Paper
2019 Time Saving Averaging Algorithm for Transient Thermal Analyses over Deterministic Pulse Superposition
Schmid, M.; Hanss, A.; Bhogaraju, S.K.; Elger, G.
Conference Paper
2019 Thermomechanical local stress in assembled GaN LEDs investigated by Raman optical spectroscopy
Signorini, R.; Conti, F.; Brugnolotto, E.; Pedron, D.; Liu, E.; Bhogaraju, S.K.; Elger, G.
Conference Paper
2019 Smart Intersections Improve Traffic Flow and Safety
Striegel, Martin; Otto, Thomas
Journal Article
2019 C-ITS Pilot in Dresden - Designing a Modular C-ITS Architecture
Strobl, Severin; Klöppel-Gersdorf, Michael; Otto, Thomas; Grimm, Jan
Conference Paper
2019 Verbundprojekt 2: Strukturintegrierbare Ver- und Entsorgungssysteme. Teilprojekt 2.VII: Gesteuerte Speicher- und Wandleraggregate zur strukturintegrierten Erzeugung und Bereitstellung von elektrischer Energie und Raumkälte
Städel, Christian; Kratzing, Richard
2019 Induktives Ladesystem für den Einsatz in autonomen Verleihstationen
Vogt, Johannes Paul; Kertzscher, Jana
Conference Paper
2019 Technical note: Automatic evaluation of infrared thermal images by computerized active shape modeling of bovine udders challenged with Escherichia coli
Watz, Sophie; Petzl, Wolfram; Zerbe, Holm; Rieger, A.; Glas, A.; Schröter, Willy; Landgraf, Tom; Metzner, Moritz
Journal Article
2019 2. Freiberger Kolloquium Elektrische Antriebstechnik 2019
Conference Proceeding
2019 Fraunhofer-Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme. Jahresbericht 2018
Annual Report
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