Cooperation and Infrastructure Assistance

© Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI

Automated driving is a highly complex subject. In the future, enhanced functionally safe infrastructure will enable safe and efficient cooperative, connected automated mobility (CCAM).

The infrastructure will detect and analyze the traffic situation in order to

  • first, inform vehicles via car2X communications,
  • second, provide assistance for automated vehicles, and
  • third, control vehicles through the infrastructure.

This ambitious goal will be reached by seamlessly integrating conventional, connected and automated vehicles via innovative basic services on the one hand and new features on the other hand with the help of cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) solutions. By using smart infrastructure, the operational design domain can be expanded especially in complex environments.

Fraunhofer IVI researchers support stakeholders through their professional expertise on C-ITS and CCAM in the field of connected automated driving. They also develop services and implement them in secure and intelligent infrastructure.

So-called Day1-C-ITS services, such as traffic light phase assistance and public transport prioritization, as well as Day1.5 services, such as the guardian angel function for vulnerable road users (VRU), are investigated and executed in a harmonized European way.

In many projects, road infrastructure provides support for automated driving functions in complex scenarios with the aim of enabling the evolutionary transfer of automated driving from non-public to urban transport areas.


Our expertise includes:


  • Development and operation incl. monitoring of the Dresden Digital Testbed
  • Design, testing and operation of C-ITS messages and services for connected cooperative driving (e.g. prioritization in public transport with C-ITS)
  • Planning, evaluation and monitoring of the C-ITS and mobile communications infrastructure
  • Environment detection and evaluation as well as extraction of dynamic object maps and driving scenarios
  • Evaluation of the interaction between vehicle (ODD) and infrastructure (ISAD) for automated driving (e.g. municipal roadmaps)
  • Infrastructure assistance for automated driving in public environments and at depots
  • Safe teleoperated driving via mobile communications incl. control center

Selected projects


MOBILITIES FOR EU –Automated and Connected Mobility Solutions for Dresden

Dresden is one of the pilot cities for climate-neutral mobility in Europe. This is where use cases for infrastructure-supported mobility and 5G remote-controlled driving, including technical monitoring, are being developed and tested. Smart infrastructure components and cooperative ITS technologies are used for this purpose.


ITS CUBE – Optimized Consideration of Dwell Times at Traffic Lights

Traffic lights shape efficient inner-city traffic. Optimal time slots for public transport as part of the acceleration are essential. For the city of Hamburg, a procedure is being developed to forecast and take into account fluctuating dwell times in traffic light control.


ITS4Culture – Digitalization of Traffic Management in Chemnitz

The aim of ITS4Culture is to ensure smooth traffic flow for the European Capital of Culture in 2025. The project will design, develop and implement the digitalization of traffic light systems with C-ITS solutions for connected driving, as well as the intelligent acceleration of buses on the ring bus route, and monitor them during operation.

PeriPerz – Peripheral Perception and Synthesis of Traffic Environmental Scenarios

So-called »corner cases« are of the highest relevance for testing automated driving algorithms. The process of detecting all of these cases is extremely challenging. The aim of the PeriPerz project is therefore to develop a toolkit for generating these test and evaluation scenarios for assisted-connected driving from real data as well as derived synthetic data.


VALISENS – Cooperative Sensor System for Assisted Driving

The targeted creation of a holistic environment perception consisting of the peripheral infrastructure and the first-person perspective of the vehicle is the goal of the project. The use of Car2X communication as well as the provision of novel methods and algorithms for fusion and perception makes it possible to provide automated driving functions with a holistic valid sensor image.


MIND(+) – Tomorrow’s public transport: Multimodal, intelligent, sustainable, digital

The innovative joint project will lay the foundations for multimodal, intelligent, sustainable and digital mobility services for the digitalization of public transport. Novel C-ITS services for connected, cooperative driving will be implemented to enable the public transport of the future.


LAURIN – Automated Testing at Lausitzring

The project aims at expanding the testing infrastructure for high-automation trial runs. Automation of the DEKRA Lausitzring will allow the execution of endurance test runs, the implementation of roadside safety assurance systems, the establishment of V2X communications, as well as the orchestration of dynamic test site objects for automated and connected driving.


FLASH – Driverless Automated Shuttle in the Nordsachsen District

On its path towards the mobility of the future, the Nordsachsen district is working to create FLASH – a Driverless Automated Shuttle (FahrerLoses Automatisiertes Shuttle). Intelligent cooperative infrastructure supports automated driving functions in a defined Operational Design Domain (ODD).


C-ROADS Germany - Urban Nodes

Within the context of digitalization, a cross-border communication system for vehicles without language barriers is to be established throughout Europe. The project’s aim is to standardize and harmonize intelligent C-ITS Services to enable safe and efficient connected, cooperative traffic in urban areas.

DiSpoGo – Control Center for Remote Monitoring and Control of Automated Vehicles in Public Transport via 5G Mobile Networks

New legislation requires an operation concept for the use of 5G technologies in control center functionalities for monitoring and controlling autonomous vehicles. This concept will be especially important for securing the existential functioning of public transport in rural areas.


5G-Forschungsfeld Lausitz – The 5G Innovation Program by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport

5GFOLA – Within the scope of »5G Driving«, infrastructure-assisted driving via the 5G Edge cloud is implemented in real-time on the Fraunhofer IVI test track, as well as realized and demonstrated with the help of an automated vehicle.


BASt Study: Use of C2X-based Public Transport Prioritization at Intersections with Traffic Lights

Standardized public transport prioritization has been a common practice for over 30 years. Today, digitalization and connectivity offer completely new options and allow to develop untapped potentials. Within the study, general recommendations for the use of the IEEE 802.11p Car2X communications standard were created for public transport prioritization at intersections with traffic lights.


IoT-COMMs »Smart Intersection«

The fast detection and simultaneous correct evaluation of traffic situations is the greatest challenge in the field of autonomous driving. The smart intersection’s cooperative environment perception system provides support for this task, thus allowing safe and efficient networked and assisted driving.


ErVast – Use of Dynamic Traffic Elements for Testing Automated Driving Functions

In the future, the periodic technical inspection (PTI) of connected and automated driving functions will have an increasing importance. The project’s aim was to develop methods for testing automated and connected driving functions within the scope of the general inspection of vehicles.