Publication Type
2020 State-Of-Charge Estimation Including Uncertainty Analysis
Augustin, Beatrix
Master Thesis
2020 Investigation Concerning the Influence of Vehicle Characteristics on Accident Occurrences Using the FIN's
Bhakre, Keyur
Master Thesis
2020 Novel approach to copper sintering using surface enhanced brass micro flakes for microelectronics packaging
Bhogaraju, S.K.; Conti, F.; Kotadia, H.R.; Keim, S.; Tetzlaff, U.; Elger, G.
Journal Article
2020 Copper die bonding using copper formate based pastes with a-terpineol, amino-2-propanol and hexylamine as binders
Bhogaraju, S.K.; Conti, F.; Elger, G.
Conference Paper
2020 Die-attach bonding for high temperature applications using thermal decomposition of copper(II) formate with polyethylene glycol
Bhogaraju, S.K.; Mokhtari, O.; Conti, F.; Elger, G.
Journal Article
2020 Development of sinter paste with surface modified copper alloy particles for die-attach bonding
Bhogaraju, S.K.; Conti, F.; Schmid, M.; Meier, M.R.; Schweigart, H.; Elger, G.
Conference Paper
2020 Eine neuartige Stoßberechnungsmethode für Pkw‐Kollisionen basierend auf Energy Equivalent Speed (EES)-Modellen
Breitlauch, Pascal
Master Thesis
2020 Validation of data analytics and optimization algorithms within an intelligent asset management system for rail signalling
Consilvio, A.; Sanetti, P.; Crovetto, C.; Papa, F.; Dambra, C.; Jimenez Redondo, N.; Kandler, U.
Journal Article
2020 Finite Element Simulations and Raman measurements to investigate thermomechanical stress in GaN-LEDs
Conti, F.; Liu, E.; Bhogaraju, S.K.; Wunderle, B.; Elger, G.
Conference Paper
2020 Design and Performance of Congestion-Aware Collective Perception
Delooz, Quentin; Riebl, Raphael; Festag, Andreas; Vinel, Alexey
Conference Paper
2020 Revisiting Message Generation Strategies for Collective Perception in Connected and Automated Driving
Delooz, Quentin; Festag, Andreas; Vinel, Alexey
Conference Paper
2020 Evaluierung von RTK-Netzstrukturen unter Einbeziehung von Flächenkorrekturparametern für hochpräzise Fahrzeugortungsfunktionen
Egbert, Jörn
Diploma Thesis
2020 Untersuchung der Übertragbarkeit von Methoden der Luftfahrtsicherheitsforschung auf den Automobilbereich
Eggert, Sven
Diploma Thesis
2020 Umsetzung eines Softwareentwicklungsprozesses am Beispiel der GUI eines Geodatenverarbeitungswerkzeuges
Gardke, Jonas
Bachelor Thesis
2020 Influence of infrastructure parameters on the frequency and severity of accidents in Germany and Great Britain in 2016, -using OpenStreetMap data
Geißler, Jacques
Master Thesis
2020 Evaluating pedestrian and cyclist behaviour at a level crossing
Hartwig, Lukas; Kaufmann, Clemens; Risser, Ralf; Erbsmehl, Christian; Landgraf, Tom; Urban, Martin; Schreiber, Dominik
Journal Article
2020 Artery-C. An OMNeT++ Based Discrete Event Simulation Framework for Cellular V2X
Hegde, Anupama; Festag, Andreas
Conference Paper
2020 Mode Switching Performance in Cellular-V2X
Hegde, Anupama; Festag, Andreas
Conference Paper
2020 Optimierung von Trajektorien beim hochautomatisierten Fahren
Hu, Yunhua
Diploma Thesis
2020 IVS-KOM: A Reference Platform for Heterogeneous ITS Communications
Jacob, Richard; Gay, Matthias; Dod, Markus; Lorenz, Sven; Jungmann, Alexander; Franke, Lars; Philipp, Michael; Klöppel-Gersdorf, Michael; Haberjahn, Mathias; Gruschka, Erik; Fettweis, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2020 Entwicklung einer Methode zur Einbindung eines LiDAR-Systems in AIMATS
Jamal, Ali
Diploma Thesis
2020 Automation of the Labeling of Images of Sugar Beet Cultivation with Hyperspectral Imaging
Jäkel, Annika
Master Thesis
2020 Referenzimplementierung von OpenLR mit OpenStreetMap-Daten
Kast, Emily
Master Thesis
2020 The influence of different-sized Ni micro- and nanopowders on the processing and microstructural properties of Sn-Ag-Cu-solder with low Ag content
Keim, S.; Tetzlaff, U.; Elger, G.
Conference Paper
2020 Integration von Traktionsenergiespeichern zur stationären Zweitnutzung in ein Stadtbahnunterwerk im Rahmen des Energieversorgungskonzeptes GUW+
Kelemen, Valerie
Master Thesis
2020 SAFESTOP: Disturbance Handling in Prioritized Multi-Robot Trajectory Planning
Keppler, Felix; Wagner, Sebastian; Janschek, Klaus
Conference Paper
2020 Prioritized Multi-Robot Velocity Planning for Trajectory Coordination of Arbitrarily Complex Vehicle Structures
Keppler, Felix; Wagner, Sebastian
Conference Paper
2020 First-order sensitivity of the optimal value in a Markov decision model with respect to deviations in the transition probability function
Kern, P.; Simroth, A.; Zähle, H.
Journal Article
2020 Thermal Behavior of an Intelligent Li-Ion Cell under Vehicle Conditions
Kleiner, Jan; Heider, Alexander; Hanzl, Christian; Komsiyska, Lidiya; Elger, Gordon; Endisch, Christian
Conference Paper
2020 Thermal Modelling of a Prismatic Lithium-Ion Cell in a Battery Electric Vehicle Environment
Kleiner, Jan; Komsiyska, Lidiya; Elger, Gordon; Endisch, Christian
Journal Article
2020 Linked Real and Virtual Test Environment for Distributed C-ITS-Applications
Klöppel-Gersdorf, Michael; Otto, Thomas
Conference Paper
2020 Evaluating Suitable GLOSA-Algorithms by Simulation Considering Realistic Traffic Conditions and V2X-Communication
Klöppel-Gersdorf, Michael; Grimm, Jan
Journal Article
2020 Path Tracking of Articulated Vehicles in Backward Motion
Kolb, Julius; Nitzsche, Gunter; Wagner, Sebastian; Röbenack, Klaus
Conference Paper
2020 Elektro-chemisch thermisch gekoppelte Modellierung des Tiefentladeverhaltens einer Lithium-Ionen-Zelle
Kruse, Georg
Diploma Thesis
2020 Evaluation of Congestion-Enabled Forwarding with Mixed Data Traffic in Vehicular Communications
Kühlmorgen, Sebastian; Lu, Hongsheng; Festag, Andreas; Kenney, John; Gensheim, Sebastian; Fettweis, Gerhard
Journal Article
2020 Analysis of package design of optic modules for automotive cameras to realize reliable image sharpness
Kühn, Stephan; Pandey, Amit; Zippelius, Andreas; Schneider, Klaus; Erdogan, Hüseyin; Elger, Gordon
Conference Paper
2020 AutoTruck and helyOS: Enabling highly efficient yard operation by automation
Nitzsche, Gunter; Wagner, Sebastian; Belov, Nikolay; Viol Barbosa, Carlos Eduardo
2020 Modular and scalable automation for field robots. Lighthouse project "cognitive agriculture"
Osten, Julia; Weyers, Catrin; Petereit, Janko
Conference Paper
2020 Toolbox for Test Planning and Test Realization of Scenario-Based Field Tests for Automated and Connected Driving
Otto, Thomas; Auerswald, Rico
Conference Paper
2020 Finite Element Analysis: A Tool for Investigation of Sharpness Changes in Automotive Cameras
Pandey, Amit; Kühn, Stephan; Erdogan, Hüseyin; Schneider, Klaus; Elger, Gordon
Conference Paper
2020 Mobility Data Space
Pretzsch, Sebastian; Drees, Holger; Rittershaus, Lutz
2020 Deployment of Charging Infrastructure for Battery Electric Buses
Randhahn, Annette; Knote, Thoralf
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Prototypische Entwicklung eines Mechanismus zur Nachverfolgung von Datenänderungen in einer Webanwendung
Reuße, Richard
Bachelor Thesis
2020 Tensor-Based Framework with Model Order Selection and High Accuracy Factor Decomposition for Time-Delay Estimation in Dynamic Multipath Scenarios
Rosa Zanatta, Mateus da; Costa, Joao Paulo C.L. da; Antreich, Felix; Haardt, Martin; Elger, Gordon; Mendonca, Fabio Lucio Lopes de; Sousa, Rafael Timoteo de
Journal Article
2020 A New Noise-Suppression Algorithm for Transient Thermal Analysis in Semiconductors Over Pulse Superposition
Schmid, M.; Bhogaraju, S.K.; Hanss, A.; Elger, G.
Journal Article
2020 Comparison of Nondestructive Testing Methods for Solder, Sinter, and Adhesive Interconnects in Power and Opto-Electronics
Schmid, M.; Bhogaraju, S.K.; Liu, E.; Elger, G.
Journal Article
2020 The Principles of Operation Framework
Shi, Elisabeth; Gasser, Tom Michael; Seeck, André; Auerswald, Rico
Journal Article
2020 Learning vector quantization and relevances in complex coefficient space
Straat, M.; Kaden, M.; Gay, M.; Villmann, T.; Lampe, A.; Seiffert, U.; Biehl, M.; Melchert, F.
Journal Article
2020 Räumliche und zeitliche Synchronisation von georeferenzierten Datenströmen in der Car-2-X-Kommunikation
Streller, Martin
Master Thesis
2020 Parameterization of Standard Test Scenarios of Automated Vehicles Using Accident Simulation Data
Urban, Martin; Erbsmehl, Christian; Landgraf, Tom; Pohle, Maria; Mallada, Jorge Lorente; Puente Guillen, Pablo; Tanigushi, Satoshi
2020 A Methodology for Building Simulation Files from Police Recorded Accident Data (for ADAS Assessment)
Urban, Martin; Erbsmehl, Christian; Mallada, Jorge Lorente; Puente Guillen, Pablo; Tanigushi, Satoshi
2020 Design and implementation of a collision prediction model for bicycles using V2X communication
Voß, Imke
Master Thesis
2020 AEROFLEX smart power dolly: Towards efficient and mission-oriented long-haul vehicles
Wittig, Henning; Engasser, Julius; Mentink, Paul; Glavinic, Andelko; Bertens, Ton
2020 Experimental Study on Redundancy Mitigation Techniques for the Dissemination of Collective Perception Messages
Yu, Chunhai
Diploma Thesis
2020 Entwicklung einer Anbaukonstruktion für Arbeitswerkzeuge an einem Feldroboter
Zhou, Xiongzun
Diploma Thesis
2020 Konzeption eines Prognosemodells für die Auslastung von ÖPNV-Fahrzeugen auf Grundlage historischer Auslastungsdaten und Kontextinformationen am Beispiel der Stadt Dresden
Ziermann, Max
Bachelor Thesis
2020 Comparing prediction methods for LED failure measured with Transient Thermal Analysis
Zippelius, A.; Hans, A.; Liu, E.; Schmid, M.; Perez-Velazquez, J.; Elger, G.
Conference Paper
2020 Fraunhofer-Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme. Jahresbericht 2019
Annual Report
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