
  • Sustainable alternative for long-distance freight forwarders

    November 20, 2024 | eHaul project for the automatic battery swap of e-trucks successfully completed

    November 20, 2024 | The partners of the eHaul project proved at their final event that electrified mobility can also be an efficient and CO2-saving alternative in the logistics sector: they proudly presented how Europe's first fully automated battery swap station for heavy commercial vehicles can change batteries in under ten minutes. This technology can optimize grid requirements and reduce the annual CO2 emissions of a truck by around 100 tons.

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  • More safety and sustainability in road traffic thanks to 5G technology

    October 23, 2024 | 5GoIng celebrates project conclusion in Ingolstadt

    October 23, 2024 | At the final event of the BMDV-funded 5GoIng project, which was launched in December 2021, the project partners presented the results of their research. They gave an impressive demonstration of how vehicles and traffic infrastructure can communicate in real time and warn road users of dangers at an early stage. The project developed innovations such as 5G-controlled LED lighting, which can increase the safety of crosswalks, and a new dashboard for live traffic analysis.

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  • MEGA-LADEN demonstrates the future of truck charging

    November 14, 2024 | Final event in Berlin with live demonstration

    November 14, 2024 | The electrification of heavy-duty transportation is a particularly challenging task. Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the MEGA-LADEN project developed an underbody automatic contact system for electric commercial vehicles that can transfer power in the megawatt range. Fraunhofer IVI and its project partners presented the results of their three-year research work to a broad specialist audience at the final demonstration in Berlin.

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  • TASC scenario database: Using driving and accident scenarios for safe mobility

    October 23, 2024 | Partners discuss milestones and next steps at Technical Assembly

    October 23, 2024 | Fraunhofer IVI developed the Traffic Accident Scenario Community (TASC) to advance the development of safe automated driving functions. TASC is a data platform that provides simulation-ready scenarios from police-recorded accident data and video data filmed in real traffic. The simulation files enable the virtual testing of digital twins of automated driving functions in thousands of traffic and accident scenarios.

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