Great future for tiny houses in building research

September 17, 2024 | Fraunhofer Summer Camps brought to a successful close

© Miroslav Velecky, Fraunhofer IBP

Fraunhofer IVI can look back on the highly successful 2024 Fraunhofer Summer Camp held in Benediktbeuern. This year, the many attending students developed innovative ideas within the scope of the “Tiny-House Challenge – compact living as an experimental field for research on sustainable construction” and were able to prove their impressive creative abilities. Among them, Team „Nature Materials“, which received support from a Fraunhofer IVI employee, deserves special mentioning.

During the Summer Camp, all participants had the opportunity to engage with the subject areas of sustainability and materials development. Under the guidance of experienced Fraunhofer employees, they designed concepts for future-oriented living that have the potential for practical application.

„It was impressive to see how much of their creativity and commitment the participants invested into their projects,” explains Harald Gross of Fraunhofer IVI. „We are proud to make a contribution to future-oriented thinking. “

The Fraunhofer Summer Camp provides a valuable platform for the interdisciplinary exchange among students and promotes the transfer of both know-how and ideas between research, education, and industry. Fraunhofer IVI will continue to support initiatives such as this in order to develop innovative solutions for current challenges.

© Miroslav Velecky, Fraunhofer IBP
© Miroslav Velecky, Fraunhofer IBP
© Miroslav Velecky, Fraunhofer IBP
© Miroslav Velecky, Fraunhofer IBP
© Miroslav Velecky, Fraunhofer IBP

Innovative technology for fieldwork

September 18, 2024 | Successful meeting on digital agriculture held with the participation of developers and end users

© Fraunhofer IVI

At the 2nd Agricultural Robotics Day in Köllitsch, Fraunhofer IVI engineers showcased their electrically driven field robot CERES, which had been developed within the Fraunhofer »Cognitive Agriculture (COGNAC)« Flagship Project.

During the demonstration, CERES autonomously drove onto a trailer equipped with a charging system and executed an automated recharging process. In the future, this system will allow for 24/7 operation of the vehicle without any manual intervention. The demonstration was carried out using helyOS®, a framework for the mission planning and monitoring of robot swarms.

At the event, Dr. Fichtl gave a presentation on the operational and functional safety of autonomous machines and Dr. Keppler talked about the scientific perspective on current problems in the subject.

Additional project results from the LANDNETZ experimental field, such as a mobile 5G campus network devised by TU Dresden, also met with great enthusiasm. The campus network serves to transmit live video footage and data from the CERES field robot to a mobile command center. This way, farmers can get an overview of the field robot’s current tasks and their status without being in the immediate vicinity. 

Further projects were introduced at Fraunhofer IVI’s exhibition booth. These included the implementation of remote control for ride-on lawn mowers via helyOS® and cooperation within the Feldschwarm® research project.


More traffic safety for children and adolescents in Dresden

September 14, 2024 | Fraunhofer workshop interactively draws attention to the dangers of road traffic

© Fraunhofer IVI
Using VR headsets, the children were able to experience dangerous situations up close but completely safely.
© Fraunhofer IVI
Nora Strauzenberg makes road safety exciting and interactive for young people.

To contribute to the safety of vulnerable road users, especially children, the IVI held another workshop this month as part of the Fraunhofer IVI Accident Prevention School (FAPS) project, in cooperation with Wildstyle Network. The workshop targeted children and adolescents aged 9 to 15 years. Nora Strauzenberg, from the "Vehicle and Traffic Safety" department, welcomed the future traffic experts at the Chinese Pavilion. Here, the dangers for pedestrians and cyclists around the Weißen Hirsch and Bühlau areas were interactively demonstrated. The focus was laid on accident hotspots near schools and residential areas. These scenarios were recreated digitally, allowing students to experience the perspectives of the involved road users through VR headsets. This approach not only provided a better understanding of potential dangers but also increased their motivation to learn more the topic.

Madrid and Dresden collaborate to create the mobility of tomorrow

August 30, 2024 | MOBILITIES FOR EU partners meet at Fraunhofer IVI

Partner des Mobilities for EU Projekts am Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI
The MOBILITIES FOR EU partners met at Fraunhofer IVI to coordinate the next steps in the pilot city Dresden.

The goal of the EU-funded MOBILITIES FOR EU project is to develop sustainable solutions for urban mobility. In addition to Madrid in Spain, Dresden is the project’s second pilot city. In the future, numerous other cities and regions across Europe will scale and demonstrate the approaches from the project.

The Dresden pilot has now left the starting blocks. To initiate discussions on the development and implementation of the Dresden demonstrators, the partners met at the institute last week. Fraunhofer IVI is contributing its use cases for infrastructure-assisted driving, 5G-remote-controlled driving, technical supervision, and the Mobility Data Space. We are excited to shape this exciting phase of the project together with our European partners!

Further information:

Technical design with depth

August 28, 2024 | DesignLab for Applied Research delivers concept for the “Crawfish“ underwater robot

Crawfish Roboter des Fraunhofer SOT
© Fraunhofer IWU, Fraunhofer IVI
Concept of the Crawfish underwater robot.

The “Crawfish“ project by the Fraunhofer Smart Ocean Technologies research group (SOT) has reached its final design phase.

The project involves the development of an advanced underwater robot designed to efficiently and safely carry out maintenance and repair tasks on offshore installations. The robot is based on the technology of the open-source “BlueROV2” robot. The initiative is strongly supported by the Fraunhofer Institutes IGD, IGP, IKTS, IOSB-AST, IVI, and IWU.

The robot will be equipped with an undercarriage and specialized software, enabling it to dock precisely onto offshore structures. This will allow for more efficient cleaning, repairs and inspections, while minimizing risks for maintenance personnel.

The DesignLab for Applied Research, a joint facility of the Fraunhofer Institutes IVI, IWS, and IWU with TU Dresden, delivered the design. The focus was set on creating a user-centered and functionally integrated design. In addition to having a distinctive appearance, the “Crawfish” will be more intuitive to operate, easier to transport, and simpler to maintain.

With the design freeze now in place, a major part of the development work is complete. The next phase of the project will focus on the construction and production of a functional prototype, which is scheduled to be unveiled at the Rostock Ocean Convention in early November.

Further information:

Showcasing Saxony's innovative solutions

August 22, 2024 | A review of AMSEL and Telewerk at the 9th simul+ Future Forum

The participants of the simul+ Future Forum on stage
© Fraunhofer IVI
The partners of the model projects at the 9th simul+ Future Forum.

Under the motto "Future. Bringing it together!", the innovation network simul+ unites actors from business, science and administration to find solutions to the challenges of our time. At the 9th Future Forum (Zukunftsforum), network partners and guests met in the town of Radebeul to present innovative projects, engage in exchange, and collectively look into the future of regional development of Saxony.

Institute director Prof. Dr. Matthias Klingner and project manager Ernst-Eckart Schulze of Fraunhofer IVI took the opportunity to reflect on the implemented model projects AMSEL and Telewerk, which were funded by the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development (SMR) as part of the simul+ InnovationHub. The now completed experimental buildings in the small town of Mittweida impressively demonstrate what living and working in rural areas could look like in the future: AMSEL, the tiny house with a smart living approach, was combined with Telewerk, a living lab with workplaces, in a joint energy self-sufficient settlement.

In the interview, Matthias Klingner particularly emphasized the good cooperation between the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences and the trades, as well as the ongoing discussions about potential utilization concepts.

With the implementation of this innovative idea, it has been shown how living and working of tomorrow can be realized in a resource-efficient way. Furthermore, an exemplary case of Saxon collaboration was created. Here, science, business, trades and administration worked together successfully and were now able to present their joint results.


Further information:

Investigation of weather effects on the detection of road users

Fraunhofer IVI and NewSense Engineering discover new potential of LiDAR technology in the WETTER project

WETTER project team with roadside team
© Fraunhofer IVI
Marcel Kettelgerdes (project manager at Fraunhofer IVI), Prof. Dr. Gordon Elger (head of the application center) and Dr. Yang Ji (CEO of NewSense Engineering) in front of the mobile roadside unit of Fraunhofer IVI.

The partners of the WETTER project have made significant progress toward establishing safe automated driving in Smart Cities. Together they examined the effects of weather conditions on LiDAR-based measurement systems. While LiDAR sensors are crucial for detecting road users, they are sensitive to fog and precipitation. To better understand and mitigate these challenges, various measurement sensors were combined in a mobile roadside unit at the IN2Lab in Ingolstadt, enabling fully automated long-term measurement and data collection .

A successful approach: combining LiDAR data with reference camera data significantly improves the detection of vulnerable road users like pedestrians and cyclists compared to using LiDAR sensors alone. As a result, LiDAR-camera data fusion will be a key focus of future research projects.

The WETTER project was carried out by Fraunhofer IVI’s application center "Connected Mobility and Infrastructure" in Ingolstadt in collaboration with NewSense Engineering and successfully completed in June 2024. Continuing their cooperation, the project partners now plan to derive weather information from LiDAR data using AI-based software. This will not only enhance environmental perception but also allow LiDAR sensors to function as weather sensors, potentially enabling the detection of road conditions and communicating those in real time to road users.


Further information:

International researchers visit Fraunhofer IVI

August 14, 2024 | Lively exchange with Humboldtians

© Fraunhofer IVI
Humboldt Research Fellows at Fraunhofer IVI.
© Fraunhofer IVI
Head of department Dr. Frank Steinert welcomed the guests.

More than 35 post-docs and experienced researchers, including participants from Nigeria, India, Turkey, Brazil, and Japan, visited Fraunhofer IVI as part of a study trip to Dresden. All of them are scholarship holders of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, which promotes outstanding researchers from around the world.

The group received a comprehensive insight into the institute's current research practices. After the welcome by Dr. Frank Steinert, head of the Vehicle Systems department, colleagues presented their respective departments, current research focuses and technologies.

Although most of the participants conduct research in disciplines less represented at Fraunhofer IVI, the presentations sparked great interest. The participants actively engaged in the subsequent discussion rounds, with a particular focus on activities in the field of vehicle and traffic safety. "The protection of vulnerable road users is of central importance to our society. These topics hold great potential. Dresden's old town is a beautiful example of this," said William Green, a scientist in the field of architecture and lighting engineering from the USA.

The event is part of a series of study trips taking place in August 2024 on behalf of the German government and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The goal is to introduce participants to Germany's cultural, political, economic, and social diversity and to promote international exchange in the spirit of Alexander von Humboldt.

Dr. Ina Partzsch trägt vor
© Fraunhofer IVI
Dr. Ina Partzsch presented current research in the field of connected and cooperative driving.
Dr. Ralf Hedel trägt vor
© Fraunhofer IVI
Dr. Ralf Hedel provided Insights in technologies designed for planning and operational management for Police, Fire Departments and other emergency services.
Dr. Thoralf Knote trägt vor
© Fraunhofer IVI
Particular interest in the topic of safety: Dr. Thoralf Knote, Head of the Department of Traffic Safety and Vehicle Automation at Fraunhofer IVI, in conversation with the scholarship holders.

Federal ministers visit the living lab in Mittweida

August 9, 2024 | Telewerk and AMSEL projects presented to distinguished guests

© Fraunhofer IVI
Visit to the Living Lab in Mittweida
© Fraunhofer IVI
Visit to the Living Lab in Mittweida

Upon invitation of State Minister Thomas Schmidt, government representatives of the construction departments of Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bayern, Sachsen-Anhalt, Baden-Württemberg, Brandenburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Sachsen met in the small city of Mittweida.

Following the event, the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences and Fraunhofer IVI had the opportunity to give further insights into their research projects Telewerk and AMSEL. Both projects have been realized in recent months. They are part of an experimental platform for energy-conscious living in rural areas and have been supported as model projects within the simul⁺ InnovationHub with funding by the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development (SMR). 

Further information:

© Fraunhofer IVI
Minister of State Thomas Schmidt at the Tiny House from the AMSEL model project
© Fraunhofer IVI
View inside the tiny house
© Fraunhofer IVI
Prof. Dr. Volker Tolkmitt from Mittweida University of Applied Sciences and Prof. Dr. Matthias Klingner from Fraunhofer IVI in the Tiny House AMSEL.

Stimulating network meeting in Ingolstadt

June 13, 2024 | ALBACOPTER® impresses experts of the UAM initiative Ingolstadt

11th Networking Meeting of the UAM Initiative
© Stadt Ingolstadt / Rössle
11th Networking Meeting of the UAM Initiative
Institute Director Prof. Klingner Next to the ALBACOPTER<sup>®</sup>
© Stadt Ingolstadt / Rössle
Institute Director Prof. Klingner Next to the ALBACOPTER®

Around 70 representatives from companies, research institutions, and authorities met at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI). The UAM Initiative Ingolstadt aims to bring together different stakeholders to generate a new and forward-looking form of airbound mobility in the lower airspace.

The network meeting offered fascinating insights into the latest research topics in Urban Air Mobility and featured practical outdoor demonstrations. The Fraunhofer flagship project ALBACOPTER®, including six sub-projects, was the highlight of the event. Following an exciting introductory lecture by Prof. Matthias Klingner, project manager and director of Fraunhofer IVI, interested participants had the opportunity to visit the developed demonstrators at the technology café in the afternoon – including the ALBACOPTER® 0.5 with a wingspan of 7 meters. The project team was particularly pleased with the opportunity to present the project results to such a wide circle of professionals and to receive new impulses for further project work.

21st Dresden Science Night at Fraunhofer IVI

June 14, 2024 | Diverse interactive program for all ages

Erfolgreich auf der Karriereleiter mit Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI
Our colleagues of the recruiting team at the "Successful on the Career Ladder" information booth.
© Fraunhofer IVI
Themed booth "Remotely Controlled on the Road".

 “United by Science“ – that was the theme for this year’s Dresden Science Night. Numerous educational and research institutions opened their doors, offering interactive experiences to bring research closer to interested visitors.

 Fraunhofer IVI showcased various current research projects, allowing over 600 guests to get a look behind the scenes of the institute – partly in virtual space, but also up close on the in-house test track. Visitors of all ages could get a glimpse into the future of urban air mobility and marvel at the ALBACOPTER® through VR headsets. The FAPS and PAPS-XR project booth also used virtual reality to have the visitors safely experience dangerous traffic situations from various perspectives.

Real-world presentations, including the possibility to ride along in a 5G-remote-controlled car or an automated truck, equally sparked the crowd’s excitement. While adult visitors could gain fascinating insights from short lectures on topics such as fuel cells and AI in the construction industry, the youngest researchers had plenty to discover at the crafting station and play interactive games.

We sincerely thank all visitors for their great interest in our institute and the many engaging conversations. We look forward to the next Science Night already!

Digital applications for tomorrow’s agriculture

June 13, 2024 | “LANDNETZ” project partners present pioneering solutions at the final event

Field Robot on the Plantation
© Fraunhofer IVI
Demonstration of the modular robot elWObot II.
Fraunhofer Employee IVI presents helyOS
© Fraunhofer IVI
Fraunhofer IVI scientists explain how the field robot is controlled via the 5G campus network using the helyOS® software framework.

Extreme weather events such as heat, cold snaps, droughts, and heavy rainfall are increasing due to climate change. Significant crop losses are posing ever greater challenges for farmers.

 With the help of digital technologies, processes in crop cultivation and animal husbandry can be better monitored, controlled, and further optimized. Within this scope, the project partners presented the successful completion of the "LANDNETZ" project at the regional conference "Digital Applications for Agricultural Practice" in Dresden-Pillnitz.

The five-year joint research effort by TU Dresden, Fraunhofer IVI, and the Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture, and Geology focused on the implementation of digital technologies to optimize agricultural processes. To make these processes more efficient and resource-conserving, various approaches to utilize 5G and further communication infrastructures were explored in a model region north of Dresden.

The integration of 5G-based technologies enabled the advancement of processes such as precision farming, autonomous driving of agricultural machinery, and connected mobility. By using drones, autonomous robots, and innovative sensor technologies, practical solutions were developed to support more efficient and sustainable agriculture. "With increasing levels of autonomy, the safety requirements for highly automated agricultural technology also rise. The communication network of machines among themselves, with a monitoring dispatcher, or with vehicles in road traffic via 5G mobile communication meets these requirements," explains Prof.  Matthias Klingner, director of Fraunhofer IVI. In the 5G-equipped model region, typical use cases, such as the encounter of a large agricultural machine with a car or a motorcyclist, were designed and tested.

Landnetz Closing Event Pillnitz
© Fraunhofer IVI
Presentations at the regional conference 'Digital Applications for Agricultural Practice'.
Demonstration of a field robot
© Fraunhofer IVI
Live demonstrations in Dresden-Pillnitz.
Demonstration of a field robot
© Fraunhofer IVI
Live demonstrations in Dresden-Pillnitz.


June 5 to 9, 2024 | eVTOL aircraft introduced at the International Aerospace Exhibition (ILA)

Sustainable aviation, future-oriented techonology for armed forces, space applications for protecting the Earth, and new air mobility concepts are the focus topics of this year's ILA, which is held from June 5 to 9 in Berlin. Under the roof of the Fraunhofer AVIATION & SPACE Alliance, more than ten Fraunhofer Institutes are presenting their newest developments in the abovementioned fields. 

The joint Fraunhofer AVIATION booth (hall 2, booth 270) also features the team of the Fraunhofer ALBACOPTER® Lighthouse Project. Within this ambitious project, the six Fraunhofer Institutes IVI, LBF, ICT, IOSB, IEM and IMS pool their expertise and technologies in the fields of mobility, materials engineering, energy and propulsion engineering, mechatronics, microelectronics, sensor systems, communication, automation and manufacturing technology as well as artificial intelligence. At the ILA, the project team is showcasing the ALBACOPTER® 0.5, the first eVTOL aircraft in its size and weight class developed by Fraunhofer.

Professor Mostaghim named new institute director at Fraunhofer IVI

June 3, 2024 | New institute director in office

© Fraunhofer IVI

On June 1, Professor Sanaz Mostaghim took over as the new institute director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI. In this role, she is working together with Professor Matthias Klingner, the institute’s longstanding director, who will stay on as executive director until the end of the year.

Innovative mobility, smart infrastructure, bright prospects: The researchers at Fraunhofer IVI make a real impact across industries and sectors with solutions for automotive applications, smart transportation systems, and civil security. New institute director, Professor Sanaz Mostaghim, joined the institute on June 1, adding fresh, forward-looking expertise to the economically successful institute’s portfolio. A well-known expert on artificial intelligence, Mostaghim has held the Chair of Computational Intelligence at the Faculty of Computer Science at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU) since 2014. Particular areas of focus in her research include multi-objective optimization, decision-making and evolutionary algorithms along with collective intelligence and swarm robotics. Before joining the Institute for Intelligent Cooperating Systems at OVGU, Mostaghim served in other roles, including as an academic council member at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). In 2014, the German Research Foundation (DFG) recognized Mostaghim – whose research projects have taken her to Swinburne University of Technology, in Melbourne, and to Yale University,  among other places – with the DFG Heisenberg Professorship for Intelligent Adaptive Systems.

A milestone within European security cooperation

May 23, 2024 | "INCLUDING" project successfully concluded during final conference at Fraunhofer IVI

© Fraunhofer IVI

Since July 2019, consortium partners of several different European have been working together in the European "INCLUDING" project with the aim of further increasing the defence against chemical, biologial, radiological and nuclear substances. To reach this aim, institutions should work together more closely in the future and response forces must be trained more efficiently. This will be realized through a software solution that allows the efficient sharing of resources and competencies, offering maximum added value.

From May 22 to 23, Fraunhofer IVI welcomed all consortium partners in Dresden to the project's final conference. Ath this conference, the results achieved in the course of the project were presented and evaluated in exciting discussions. Also, future research topics were identified and prioritized.

Automated and networked on the racetrack

May 7, 2024 | LAURIN consortium meeting at Fraunhofer IVI

© Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI

Fraunhofer IVI invited the LAURIN project partners to a consortium meeting at the institute. Dr. Jörg Holfeld welcomed the participating companies DEKRA Automobil GmbH, iMAR Navigation GmbH, Smart Mobile Labs AG and TraceTronic GmbH to look back at the accomplishments that have been achieved so far after two-thirds of the project time. Now approaching the finish line, the partners scheduled their next steps with unstinting motivation.

This process remains exciting, as automated driving features will be tested in even more complex scenarios within the project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV). To do so, the Lausitzring racetrack was transformed into a test field for highly automated and networked vehicles. Their driving behavior is put to the test in realistic and complex traffic scenarios, aiming to ensure a safe future driving experience on public roads. 

Large-scale monitoring of urban air quality thanks to “SMART SectionTrafficControl” – Air Grid

April 22, 2024 | mFUND project DEUS_SmartAir final meeting in Teltow

© Fraunhofer IVI

Building up large scale monitoring grids with the help of inexpensive air quality sensors, generating and closely analyzing data of the transport sector in context with meteorological data – These methods constituted the approach of the DEUS_Smart Air project. To achieve this, data from almost 100 mobile and 50 stationary sensors installed in the towns of Teltow and Halberstadt was visualized in a dashboard. Fraunhofer IVI contributed their expertise in the fields of data screening, modeling and prognosis. On April 22, the project participants presented their results at the hybrid event.

Analyses showed that data, collected by air quality sensors, can be used to complement official measurements, if quality assurance, realized through frequent calibrations as well as reference comparisons with other stations, is ensured. Furthermore, multiple factors such as casing, ventilation, height and distance to the emission sources have to be taken into account in order to create representative data.

The project was funded within the innovation initiative mFUND by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport BMDV. Under the coordination Füllner & Partner GmbH, a total of 12 partners had worked together in the project over three and a half years. 

© Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI

Electrified micromobility for Freiberg

April 11, 2024 | Fraunhofer IVI presents new concepts for urban mobility at “SteigtUM” final event

© Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI

After almost five years of research, the project partners and the advisory board came together once again for a final event and project advisory board meeting. Various presentations and demonstrations took them on a journey through the project´s highlights and gave a glimpse into the future.

“SteigtUm” started in Dezember 2019 and was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with the goal of transforming the city of Freiberg into a living lab, overcoming the challenges of urban mobility. The project focused on the development of small electric vehicles, suitable for everyday use. Combined with an autonomous rental and charging infrastructure with a universal user interface, those vehicles can become a great public benefit. This way, problems caused by the increasing urbanization, such as pollution and bad parking situations, can be solved with the help of cost-effective and user-friendly alternatives. The project will now be successfully completed in May 2024.

As the project coordinator, the Institute of Electrical Engineering of TU Freiberg welcomed all participants within its own premises to celebrate the successful completion. Among them were scientists from TU Freiberg, TU Chemnitz, TU Braunschweig, Projektionisten GmbH from Hannover, apromace data systems GmbH from Freiberg and Fraunhofer IVI.

Prof. Ralph Bartholomäus, Uwe Schneider and Ernst-Eckart Schulze presented two solutions developed and designed at the IVI. With “CityTrunk”, an electric cargo trailer was introduced that is able to increase transport capacities for commercial users, while avoiding problems conventional transportation vehicles face within urban areas. In addition, the “CityBox”, an automatic rental and charging station for the “CityBike” developed by TU Freiberg was created to further optimize micromobility within the city. 

Fraunhofer SIRIOS helps improve public security in Berlin

April 8, 2024 | Cooperation agreement marks an important step for public safety of the European Union's most populous city.

© Paul Hahn / Fraunhofer FOKUS

On April 8, the state of Berlin, represented by Iris Spranger, Berlin Senator for the Interior and Sport, Police Vice President Marco Langner and State Fire Director Dr. Karsten Homrighausen and Fraunhofer SIRIOS, represented by Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauswirth, signed a cooperation agreement. The partnership aims to establish a closer cooperation between public administration and science and to create, test and implement new technologies, customized to suit the needs of the capital.

In a highly networked city like Berlin, naturally various dependencies between people, technology and infrastructure exist. Distortions or attacks can rapidly cause widespread effects on the supply situation. By using intelligent algorithms, those dependencies can be simulated and researched by Fraunhofer SIRIOS. This will decrease reaction times as well as decision processes in real case emergencies. Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauswirth sees great potential in the application-oriented cooperation with authorities and security related organization to make real emergencies more predictable and manageable. Therefore, security researchers and authorities and organizations with security tasks will cooperate even closer through regular workshops and conferences.

The Fraunhofer Center for the Security of Socio-Technical Systems unites valuable experiences in diverse fields of research, by bringing together employees from the Fraunhofer institutes EMI, FOKUS, IOSB and IVI to work on cross-institutional projects.

Fraunhofer IVI will support the activities by contributing long-standing competencies in the fields of fire rescue, emergency services, disaster prevention and police.

Read the press release (in german)



Teaming up with AI against flooding

March 26, 2024 | Fraunhofer IVI and TU Dresden celebrate successful KIWA project completion

© Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI

After three years of research, Fraunhofer IVI and TU Dresden successfully completed their project “KIWA: artificial intelligence for flood warning”. The project partners met in Dresden to look back at their achievements and discuss the future of the new technology.

The project was opened by Fraunhofer IVI Director Prof. Dr. Matthias Klingner together with the project manager Prof. Dr. Niels Schütze from TU Dresden and Anna Guerrero Lara from the project sponsor VDI Technologiezentrum. The opening was followed by exciting presentations on the different application areas of AI within water monitoring, and a discussion moderated by project coordinator Jens Grundmann.

On-site live demonstrations made the pioneering technology tangible for the participants. The MOBITKAT®-system, developed at Fraunhofer IVI, had a guest appearance, demonstrating how the new methods can be implemented in established systems.

The event was rounded off with workshops focusing on user needs in the fields of disaster protection, water defense, flood control and environmental monitoring, as well as keynote speeches on future application areas.

The project started in April 2021 and was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with the goal of creating AI tools to assist flood warning and monitoring. The artificial intelligence is now able to improve precipitation-runoff simulations, automatically detect water levels from camera images and derive the flow volumes of river systems from them.

New Research Manager at Fraunhofer IVI

March 14, 2024 | Ninth class of the continuing development program successfully finished

© Marc Müller
© Marc Müller
© Marc Müller

Once again, committed researchers had the opportunity to present their projects at the Fraunhofer Headquarters in Munich at the final event of the exclusive continuing education program to become a “Fraunhofer Research Manager”. The program aims to professionalize research management within strategic areas of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. With this year’s topic “business model innovation”, six teams of colleagues from various institutes developed innovative solutions for a more modern, sustainable, and efficient economy.

We are particularly pleased to celebrate our new Research Manager Henri Meeß, group manager “Highly Automated Flying” at the Fraunhofer Application Center “Connected Mobility and Infrastructure” in Ingolstadt. In cooperation with colleagues from Fraunhofer IML and Fraunhofer IIS, he worked on the homogenization of Fraunhofer -wide data, a process much needed to develop AI systems. This contribution helps to easier fulfill future industrial requirements through a more effective utilization of datasets.

Impressed by the participants’ presentations, Fraunhofer President Prof. Dr. Holger Hanselka congratulated the new generation of Research Managers, stating that the program´s aims were met successfully. New employees were able to achieve results that make a direct contribution to ongoing research, by exchanging experiences and transferring ideas into applications. In addition, they improved their own competencies in entrepreneurial and cross-institutional collaboration and will now be giving change-inducing impulses themselves within the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

We congratulate all graduates and wish them all the best for their future carriers. 

Control tower software by Fraunhofer IVI ensures safe autonomous logistics

March 14, 2024 | SAFE20 project successfully completed

© Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI

On March 14, Fraunhofer IVI participated in the final presentation of the SAFE20 project, funded by the BMWK (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action) and thereby had the chance to demonstrate the strengths of their software framework helyOS®, which is used for building control tower systems.

The eight consortium partners presented a realistic test operation including three autonomous logistics vehicles on the Dachser depot in Langenau, Baden-Württemberg. Those vehicles are able to integrate themselves smoothly into a mixed operation of manually controlled vehicles and walking staff.

Thanks to helyOS®, the three test vehicles were successfully connected and it was possible to connect new planning services in order to create a reliable and optimally coordinated organization of all driving tasks.

The goal of this project was the development and first realization of a holistic safety concept, which, as the first of its kind, can allow driving speeds of autonomous vehicles of over 20 km/h on depots, while cooperating with conventional vehicles. This safety concept is a basic requirement for future regular operation und economic success of autonomous commercial vehicles. Driving speeds have so far been limited to only 8 km/h, which is too low to be considered productive. The SAFE20 developments could provide a solution for the ongoing lack of drivers.

The project, initiated in October of 2020, can now be considered completed successfully, thanks to the great cooperation with the technology group ZF as the consortium leader, as well as the companies Dachser, Götting KG, TII KAMAG, Sensor-Technik Wiedemann GmbH, SICK AG and the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML.

read the Press release (in German) 

DesignLab celebrates first birthday at ”SPIN2030 Science Festival”

March 27 – 28, 2024 | Fraunhofer IVI presents concepts and potentials of industrial design

© Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI

Exactly one year after its launch, the ”DesignLab for Applied Research“ – a cooperation between Fraunhofer and TU Dresden – had the opportunity to engage in an interesting dialogue with visitors from society, economy, industry and politics at the ”SPIN2030 Science Festival“. For this event, more than 50 scientific institutions from all over Saxony took over the five-storey building of the Museum of Science and Technology Dresden with the aim of making science tangible. The science festival is a part of the campaign ”SPIN 2030. Science State Saxony“, organized by the Saxon Ministry of Science, with the goal of highlighting the diversity, excellence, and attractiveness of Saxony as a research location.

The project team presented concepts and current developments in tomorrow´s agriculture, mobility and architecture and showed potentials of the integration of industrial designers in research projects.

Especially the vivid presentation of the projects Feldschwarm® and ALBACOPTER® sparked excitement and interest across all age groups and encouraged lively discussions about future solutions in automation on land and under water. 

© Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI

Cooperation intensifies with C-ITS Forum

February 27 - 28, 2024 | C-ITS Forum connects science, politics and economy

© Fraunhofer IVI

From February 27 to 28 the C-ITS Forum was held under the motto “connected.safe.harmonized.” The goal of the expert event was to connect important actors in the field of cooperative intelligent transport systems to further increase cooperation and exchange. Around 150 mobility experts participated to collectively take on the challenge of translating C-ITS theory into action, delivering significant contributions from the fields of politics, economy, public transportation and infrastructure. Through various presentations, panel discussions and pitch sessions, the C-ITS Forum created a space for exchange of information and opinion. 

Dr. Thomas Otto, group manager of “Cognitive and Cooperating Systems” at Fraunhofer IVI, enriched the program with two presentations: “Today’s traffic management becomes tomorrow’s mobility management” and “Road to C-ITS: regulations, suggestions and architectures”.

The C-ITS Forum is an initiative of the Association of German Transport Companies, the Open Traffic Systems City Association, the mobility network ITS mobility, the Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt am Main mbH, the Autobahn Company as well as Fraunhofer IVI.

KATECH and Fraunhofer IVI sign Memorandum of Understanding

February 19, 2024 | International cooperation creates new Opportunities in Research and Development


On February 19 the Fraunhofer IVI signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Korean Research Institute KATECH. Andreas Festag, team lead of the department “Connected Mobility and Infrastructure” in Ingolstadt, represented the IVI in Berlin.

The MoU focusses on joint projects regarding 5G based connection of autonomous mobility platforms for commercial vehicles. Those could open up new opportunities to strengthen competencies and activities together.

KATECH is a research institute established by the Korean government and other companies. It specialized in automotive parts. An important aim of KATECH is to increase autonomous driving understanding as well as public acceptance.  With the help of this societal readiness a social and legal foundation can be created, to establish new technologies such as self-driving shuttle services. 

MOBILITIES FOR EU successfully started

January 30 – February 1, 2024 | Fraunhofer IVI joins kick-off in Madrid

© Picture credits: Mercamadrid (Josetxu Miguel)
© Picture credits: Mercamadrid (Josetxu Miguel)
© Picture credits: Mercamadrid (Josetxu Miguel)

From January 30th to February 1st, the project MOBILITIES FOR EU kicked off to a great start. 29 partners from nine European countries are collaborating to create innovative mobility concepts within the next five years. This will help to achieve the European Green Deal aims for 2030.

The EU-funded project will pursue a holistic and user-centered approach to successfully create climate-neutral and smart cities. Therefore, passenger mobility and freight transport concepts will be implemented using cost-effective and feasible solutions. Dresden and Madrid will act as lead cities and get the opportunity to demonstrate the effectiveness of 27 innovative mobility solutions. These will be realized in eleven pilot projects, including vehicles as well as overarching infrastructure. Electrification, automation, and connectivity will be central topics of the project.

Fraunhofer IVI will provide assistance in the fields of C-ITS, Mobility Data Space and infrastructure assistance for CCAM. Moris Zahtila represented the departments of “Cognitive and Cooperating Systems” and “Mobility and Digital Services” at the kick-off in Madrid. 

Safe and efficient traffic in the Ingolstadt Innovation Lab

January 24, 2024 | Research Project IN2Lab successfully completed


Within IN2Lab, a project with a duration of 3.5 years, the »First Mile« test field was established at Lake Auwaldsee in Ingolstadt, and a security system for automated driving functions was developed. The final event on January 24 in Ingolstadt clearly highlighted that the test field has enriched the mobility region with an open, urban development, and demonstration platform for 5G-based mobility applications.

Under the coordination of THI, project partners Fraunhofer IVI (with its application center in Ingolstadt), Audi, Blickfeld, and Continental developed essential components of the security system. These include infrastructure-side sensors for environmental perception, Car2X communication for the interconnection of vehicles and infrastructure, as well as a Mission Control backend for monitoring and control. Fraunhofer IVI, in collaboration with THI, is a key partner in the test field and has significantly contributed to its conception, architecture, and specification. Additionally, the institute supports the expansion of the test field with further Roadside Units in the 5GoIng project, as well as its evolution into an open innovation lab.

IN2Lab was funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy as part of the Bayern Digital II initiative.

Hochrheinseminar visits Fraunhofer IVI

January 24, 2024 | Potential future researchers receive information on the institute and its projects

© Fraunhofer IVI

A one-week study trip offered by the »Hochrheinseminar für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften (Hochrhein Seminar for Mathemetics and the Sciences)« – a support program for highly gifted youths launched by the Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg across different schools – brought 20 students and two teachers to Dresden.

On January 24, they stopped at Fraunhofer IVI. In addition to receiving a short presentation on the institute, the students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the FAPS and ALBACOPTER®  research projects. They showed great interest in both subjects and were given information about study course options in the capital of Saxony and student assistant jobs with Fraunhofer. 

© Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI
© Fraunhofer IVI

Intelligent tracking and prediction system for improved safety and cooperative driving

January 16, 2024 | Kick-off meeting of DISRUPT project held in Ingolstadt

© Fraunhofer IVI
Cooperative tracking and prediction scenario

DISRUPT is short for »Decentralized Intelligent System for Road User Prediction and Tracking«. The project aims at investigating cooperative environment perception and traffic participant prediction with the help of infrastructure and vehicle sensors. Two major tasks within the project are the development of connected, decentralized tracking algorithms and the prediction of traffic participants.

The project receives funding from VDI/VDE within the »Digitalization« funding line of the Bavarian Joint Research Program (BayVFP) launched by the Free State of Bavaria. Fraunhofer IVI acts as the project coordinator.