Traffic Safety and Vehicle Automation

© Fraunhofer IVI

Extremely long vehicles increase efficiency in the transportation sector, but they also require special infrastructure. The steering systems designed at Fraunhofer IVI improve the maneuverability of these vehicles, thus creating better options for operating them.

Automation in transport and agriculture is an upcoming topic. The application of automated solutions in non-public spaces is an important migration path for which the department has developed the helyOS® management concept. helyOS® coordinates driving tasks, allocates resources to them and computes corresponding paths.

Highly automated and autonomous vehicles require completely new standards for safety and proof of safety. For that reason, the department carries out accident analyses and observes the traffic. The insights gained are used as basis for driving and testing scenarios used in the development and approval of functions for automated and autonomous driving.

Range of Services

  • Innovative steering systems for extremely long road vehicles with multiple steered axles
  • Control center for autonomous driving in non-public areas
  • Fully automated maneuver planning for road-bound transport vehicles
  • Analyses, surveys and development work in the field of vehicle and traffic safety
  • Traffic psychology - behavior analyses of various groups of traffic participants
  • Modeling and testing of driving scenarios with the help of motion platforms
  • Implementation concepts for electric buses and fuel cell buses
  • Charging infrastructure for bus depots and logistics yards


Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Thoralf Knote

► since 2020

Head of Department »Traffic Safety and Vehicle Automation« at Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI

► 2008-2020

Head of Department »Vehicle and Transport System Engineering« at Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI

► 2004-2008

Group manager »Transportation Systems / Human Machine Interface« at Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI

► 2002

PhD in Traffic Engineering at faculty of Transportation and Traffic Sciences »Friedrich List« of Dresden University of Technology

► 2001-2004

Research fellow (project manager) at Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI

► 1995-2001

Research fellow at the Institute for Traffic Planning and Road Traffic at Dresden University of Technology

► 1990-1995

Studies of traffic engineering at University of Transport and Communications / TU Dresden (University of Technology) with specialization in public transport, traffic planning and road traffic engineering

► 1986-1990

Military service and A-level course

► 1986

Conductor with Deutsche Reichsbahn (German Railway)

► 1984-1986

Apprenticeship as railway man with Deutsche Reichsbahn (German Railway)

The list of presentations and publications can be found on the German pages.